This is a list of all of the items available on BrainBashers.
- 1 To 100 : Fun Stuff
How quickly can you click the numbers from 1 to 100?
- 1...Million Dots : Fun Stuff
Can you visualise 1 to 1,000,000 dots?
- 10 Seconds Click : Fun Stuff
How many times can you click the box in 10 seconds?
- 2048 : Fun Stuff
Can you reach 2048?
- 31415 Digits Of Pi : Fun Stuff
Pi is 3.1415..., see the first 31415 digits.
- About BrainBashers
The history of BrainBashers.
- All Puzzles : Puzzles
A list of all puzzles on BrainBashers.
- Billion Seconds Old? : Fun Stuff
When are / were you ONE BILLION seconds old?
- Blank Page : Fun Stuff
This page is blank!
- Brain Teasers and Puzzles : Puzzles
Brain teasers, riddles, gotchas, and other puzzles.
- BrainBashers Test : Fun Stuff
Have you taken the BrainBashers test?
- Can You Find? : Fun Stuff
How quickly can you find the hidden characters?
- Concentration : Fun Stuff
Can you find the matching pairs?
- Contact Me
Send your comments to BrainBashers.
- Daily 3-In-A-Row : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid without creating a 3-In-A-Row?
- Daily 30 Seconds : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you solve mathematical questions in 30 seconds?
- Daily ABC View : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find the A, B, and C in every row and column?
- Daily BB Words : Puzzles
Can you find today's words?
- Daily Battleships : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the hidden ships?
- Daily Bridges : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you connect all of the islands using bridges?
- Daily CalcuDoku : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the mathematical clues?
- Daily Fillomino : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the groups?
- Daily Futoshiki : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the greater than / less than symbols?
- Daily Hitori : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you eliminate numbers until there are no duplicates?
- Daily Killer Sudoku : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the mathematical clues?
- Daily Light Up : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you place bulbs on the grid and light every square?
- Daily MathemaGrids : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you make the sums correct?
- Daily Maze Of Rooms : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you help the mouse find the cheese?
- Daily Neighbours : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the neighbours symbols?
- Daily Net Slide : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you slide the squares and reconnect the network?
- Daily Network : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you rotate the squares and reconnect the network?
- Daily Nonogrids : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the blocks?
- Daily Puzzle : Puzzles
A daily puzzle / brain teaser / riddle.
- Daily Range : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you limit the visible range from every numbered cell?
- Daily Skyscrapers : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the skyscrapers?
- Daily Slants : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you replace all of the crosses with slanted lines?
- Daily Slitherlink : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you join the dots to form a single loop?
- Daily Sudoku : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you solve a classic Sudoku puzzle?
- Daily Tents : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the tents in the forest?
- Daily Tracks : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find the route of the track?
- Dark Mode
Activate / deactivate 'Dark Mode'.
- Day Of The Week? : Fun Stuff
On which day of the week were you born?
- Do Not Click : Fun Stuff
What can I say? Just don't click this button.
- Face Memory : Fun Stuff
How well can you remember a face?
- Fun Stuff
A collection of fun stuff, and other miscellaneous items.
- Help – 3-In-A-Row : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid without creating a 3-In-A-Row?
- Help – ABC View : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find the A, B, and C in every row and column?
- Help – Battleships : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the hidden ships?
- Help – Bridges : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you connect all of the islands using bridges?
- Help – CalcuDoku : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the mathematical clues?
- Help – Fillomino : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the groups?
- Help – Futoshiki : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the greater than / less than symbols?
- Help – Hitori : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you eliminate numbers until there are no duplicates?
- Help – Killer Sudoku : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the mathematical clues?
- Help – Light Up : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you place bulbs on the grid and light every square?
- Help – MathemaGrids : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you make the sums correct?
- Help – Neighbours : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you complete the grid and satisfy the neighbours symbols?
- Help – Net Slide : Japanese-type Puzzles
Net Slide from BrainBashers
- Help – Network : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you rotate the squares and reconnect the network?
- Help – Nonogrids : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the blocks?
- Help – Printing
Information that might help when printing the puzzles.
- Help – Range : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you limit the visible range from every numbered cell?
- Help – Skyscrapers : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the skyscrapers?
- Help – Slants : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you replace all of the crosses with slanted lines?
- Help – Slitherlink : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you join the dots to form a single loop?
- Help – Sudoku : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku.
- Help – Sudoku BUG Removal : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Bug Removal.
- Help – Sudoku Basics : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: The Basics.
- Help – Sudoku Forced Moves : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Forced Moves.
- Help – Sudoku Hidden Sets : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Hidden Sets.
- Help – Sudoku Intersection Removal : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Intersection Removal.
- Help – Sudoku Intersections : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Intersections.
- Help – Sudoku Locked Sets : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Locked Sets.
- Help – Sudoku Pinned Squares : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Pinned Squares.
- Help – Sudoku Remote Pairs : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Remote Pairs.
- Help – Sudoku Swordfish : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Swordfish.
- Help – Sudoku Unique Rectangles : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: Unique Rectangles.
- Help – Sudoku X-Wing : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: X-Wing.
- Help – Sudoku XY-Wing : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: XY-Wing.
- Help – Sudoku XYZ-Wing : Japanese-type Puzzles
Part of the collection of pages helping you to solve Sudoku: XYZ-Wing.
- Help – Tents : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find all of the tents in the forest?
- Help – Tracks : Japanese-type Puzzles
Can you find the route of the track?
- Hidden Game – 3 : Fun Stuff
Can you find the hidden game?
- Higher Lower 13 : Fun Stuff
Guess if the next card is higher or lower.
- Higher Lower 52 : Fun Stuff
Given 52 cards, can you guess if the next cards are higher or lower?
- Home Page
Brain teasers, puzzles, and optical illusions.
- How Old Are You? : Fun Stuff
In seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
- Killer Sudoku – Combinations : Japanese-type Puzzles
Possible Killer Sudoku combinations.
- Knight's Tour : Fun Stuff
Can you move to every square of a chessboard with a knight?
- Knight's Tour – Answer : Fun Stuff
Can you move to every square of a chessboard with a knight? Answer.
- Logic Puzzles : Puzzles
A logic puzzle is basically a description of an event / gathering / contest, etc. Can you work out the answers using logic alone?
- Magic Cards : Fun Stuff
Be amazed as the computer guesses your card!
- Missing Square : Fun Stuff
Rearrange the pieces to find the missing square.
- Missing Square – Answer : Fun Stuff
Where does the missing square go?
- New And Updated Stuff
A list of items recently added or updated on BrainBashers.
- Number Master : Fun Stuff
Can you determine the four-digit code?
- Odd One Out : Fun Stuff
Can you find the out one out?
- Optical Illusions : Illusions
Optical illusions and other visual oddities.
- Optical Illusions Thumbnails : Illusions
Thumbnails for each of the optical illusions.
- Pick-A-Card Magic Trick : Fun Stuff
Pick a card, and be amazed as the computer guesses what you picked.
- Plus Colours Game : Fun Stuff
Can you turn the grid green?
- Pointless Box : Fun Stuff
Just as the title says, clicking this box is pointless!
- Prime Factors Clock : Fun Stuff
The time broken down into its prime factors.
- Prime Times : Fun Stuff
Times that are prime.
- Privacy and Cookie Policy
Details of my privacy policy and use of cookies.
- Puzzles : Puzzles
Brain teasers, mazes, and Japanese-type puzzles.
- Queens Puzzle : Fun Stuff
Can you place queens on a chessboard?
- Random Page / Puzzle
Discover a random Japanese-type logic puzzle, brain teaser, or optical illusion.
- Reactions Test : Fun Stuff
How quick are your reactions?
- Reverse Text : Fun Stuff
Reverse text and create a palindrome.
- Say The Colour : Fun Stuff
Can you say the colour, sounds easy? Your brain might get confused!
- Search
Search BrainBashers.
- Sequences Quest : Fun Stuff
A quest of twenty sequences.
- Site Map
A list of the main pages available on BrainBashers.
- Stereograms : Illusions
A stereogram is a 3D picture within a picture.
- Support BrainBashers
Please consider supporting BrainBashers.
- Ten Second Test : Fun Stuff
How accurately can you judge 10 seconds?
- Terms And Conditions
Information about BrainBashers copyright, along with my terms and conditions, and privacy policy.
- Think Of A Number : Fun Stuff
Can the computer guess your number?
- Time Zone
Alter when the daily items change by setting your local time zone.
- Today @ BrainBashers
Daily brain teasers and puzzles. What has changed on BrainBashers today?
- Tower Of Hanoi : Fun Stuff
Can you help the priests move their disks?
- Twin Prime Times : Fun Stuff
Twin prime times that are all two seconds apart.
- Typing Test – 5-Letters : Fun Stuff
How many 5-letter words can you type in 30 seconds?
- Typing Test – A To Z : Fun Stuff
How quickly can you type the alphabet?
- Typing Test – Z To A : Fun Stuff
How quickly can you type the alphabet backwards?
- What Can You See? : Fun Stuff
What can you see in the jumbled text?
Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode option – I recommend not using your browser's dark mode or extensions for BrainBashers