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Help – CalcuDoku 

Objectives / Rules

See the Walkthrough below for extra tips and tricks.

CalcuDoku Puzzle

What are the little numbers and mathematical symbols for?
These tell you the answer when the digits in the cage undergo that mathematical operation.

Click or move your mouse over the puzzle to see the answer.


Help 1

Step 1
This is the start of the puzzle. This puzzle has a number of different answer methods, see if you can find another way of solving it.

Solve this puzzle for yourself at the same time.

Help 2

Step 2
The only way to make 12 in two squares using multiplication is 3 × 4.

Help 3

Step 3
The only way to make 4 in two squares using multiplication is 1 × 4 (as we can't have two 2's in the row).

Help 4

Step 4
The only way to make 7 in three squares using addition is 1 + 2 + 4.

Help 5

Step 5
As we know where the <1>, <2> and <4> of Row 1 are, we know that this square is <3>.

Help 6

Step 6
As this cage must equal 2 under subtraction, it must be 3 - 1, which makes this square <1>.

Help 7

Step 7
Neither of these squares can contain <4>. This is because the 12× clue in this column MUST contain the <4>.

Help 8

Step 8
Removing <4> on the previous step forced the <1> of this cage, which makes this square the <4>.

Help 9

Step 9
As we now know where the <1> for this column is, we can remove it from this square leaving the <2>.

Help 10

Step 10
As we now know where the <2> from Row 1 and the <4> for Column 1 are we can remove both of these from this square leaving <1>.

Help 11

Step 11
Row 1 is only missing its <4>, and that must go in this square.

Help 12

Step 12
This square can only be <2> as the other numbers are either in Row 4 or Column 4.

Help 13

Step 13
Both of these numbers are forced as each only has one number left in the row or column.

Help 14

Step 14
As we know where the <4> for Row 3 is, we can remove it from this leaving the <3>, which forces the remaining square in Column 2 to be <4>.

Help 15

Step 15
This square can only be <2> as all other numbers already occur in the row or column.

Help 16

Step 16
These squares are now forced as each only has one number left in the row or column.

Help 17

Step 17
There is only one number that this square can be, and the puzzle completes.

Help 18

Step 18
The completed puzzle.

Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode setting.