UPDATED Brain Teasers
BrainBashers™ is a collection of brain teasers & Japanese-type puzzles, optical illusions, and other fun stuff.
BrainBashers has items such as: Daily BB Words, logic puzzles, Sudoku, stereograms, magic games, memory games, mazes, typing tests, and so much more. Including a pointless box and a blank page!
UPDATED Brain Teasers
There is a wide range of things to do every single day – take a look at the site map to see a list of everything, or perhaps choose a random page instead.
Daily Puzzle – Feb 19
The BrainBashers football world tour is well underway and Alex is planning the journey to each country.
Unfortunately, the BrainBashers atlas software is playing up again and has worked out the mileage incorrectly, as shown below.
China 3,500
Finland 6,000
Chile 3,700
Jamaica 3,800
Wales 6,000
According to the software, how many miles is it to Germany?
Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone
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New And Updated Stuff
These items were new / updated in the last 14 days. I also have a more complete list of new / updated items.
Updated today. New / updated brain teasers twice a month.
Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode option – I recommend not using your browser's dark mode or extensions for BrainBashers