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Support BrainBashers 

My name is Kevin Stone, I live in the UK, and I have had a love of puzzles for many years. BrainBashers has been around for over 25 years, starting as Puzzles 4U in 1997, and becoming BrainBashers in 1998.

If you would like to support me and my continuing journey, you could tell your friends, contact me to say hello, or you could even buy me a virtual cup of tea or coffee. Supporting me is a great way to help whilst I keep on adding to and updating the high-quality content you have come to know and love over the last 25+ years.

Scroll down to see the support links.

BrainBashers doesn't show adverts, and I continue to depend on the ongoing support from everyone who enjoys the site. For example, you can buy me a virtual cup of tea or coffee using one of the links below. The colour of the cup indicates the level of support I received in September.

You can support me with a one-off amount through PayPal using:


You can support me with a monthly amount through Patreon using:


Note: I usually check my emails on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. You should receive an email thanking you – check your spam / junk folder.

Note: I keep financial records subject to English law, any of your details that Patreon and / or PayPal pass to me will be stored accordingly. Your support could go towards any of my costs / outgoings / expenses / bills / etc (and not necessarily just on tea and coffee!). I don't offer anything in return, except a sincere thank you, and my gratitude.

Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode option – I recommend not using your browser's dark mode or extensions for BrainBashers