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All Puzzles 

This page shows all of the puzzles in the BrainBashers collection. You can see them in full detail (with images, etc) on the main puzzles page.

ZBQS – Which of the shapes is identical to the first one? There might be more than ...

Puzzle Copyright © Robert A. Hartmann

ZQUH – Each of these words can have a letter added and then be rearranged to make a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHAD – Which country is hidden in the paragraph below? Aliens landed in downtown ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSVQ – If EELS + MARK + BEST + WARY = EASY What does HELP + BARK + WARD + LEAD equal?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIWD – At the local games evening four friends were competing in the chess and croquet ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWOH – Can you find anagrams of each of the words below? Each of the words has more ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLEL – Customer services at BrainBashers headquarters received the following letter ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUPZ – Using exactly four straight lines without taking your pen off the (virtual) ...

A Charming Puzzle – Twentieth Century Standard Puzzle Book, A. Cyril Pearson.

ZGBD – At last month's rehearsal four top athletes competed in two 400-metre ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWQL – Here we have a rectangular room measuring 30 feet by 12 feet and 12 feet high.

The Spider and the Fly – The Canterbury Puzzles, Henry Ernest Dudeney.

ZFLW – Below you will find 15 well-known six-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMBD – Which country has been hidden in the paragraph below: The local habitat around ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOKL – During the recent BrainBashers school sports day four students were competing ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNMV – Which of the shapes is identical to the first one? There might be more than ...

Puzzle Copyright © Robert A. Hartmann

ZOMD – My first is in bridge but not in ridge. My second is in awake and in mistake.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDTU – A kind old person decided to give 12 sweets to each of the adults in the town ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNDY – Can you place a different 4-letter word into each of the brackets to create two ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEIA – How many hexagon-type shapes in total can you find in this puzzle?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFJQ – Many years ago befor modern educashun in the new millenium one problem in ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHRT – A large fresh water reservoir has two types of drainage system: small pipes and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVBY – The second group of trainee astronauts are all sitting around the table waiting ...

Puzzle Copyright © Randall Fine

ZTNY – The river Pregel ran through the town of Konigsberg. In the river were two ...

This is the 'Seven Bridges of Konigsberg' puzzle – tackled by Leonhard Euler in 1736.

ZSQP – Below 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZJG – A very long time ago at the beginning of the week I was given some money for my ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGDD – You find yourself playing a game with your friend. It is played with a deck of ...

Puzzle Copyright © E.J. Shamblen

ZMZL – Which of the shapes is identical to the first one? There might be more than ...

Puzzle Copyright © Robert A. Hartmann

ZXTO – The infamous BrainBashers encyclopedia has been suffering from its usual ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUXV – Which one of these sentences is the odd one out? Sam wanted another newt. Every ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGIR – The first group of trainee astronauts are all sitting around the table waiting ...

Puzzle Copyright © Randall Fine

ZXIQ – Below 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDMN – Complete the fifth circle with the correct dots.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKLD – Three teachers were discussing how long they had been teaching. Alex and Billie ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVJV – You find yourself playing a game with your friend. It is played with a deck of ...

Puzzle Copyright © E.J. Shamblen

ZDYR – Which of the shapes is identical to the first one? There might be more than ...

Puzzle Copyright © Robert A. Hartmann

ZNFZ – Below you will find 15 well-known six-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYFP – What day would tomorrow be if yesterday was five days before the day after ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIXY – This BrainBashers safe has a rather unusual control panel. In order to open the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAGD – Below you will find ten common 6-letter words however every other letter is ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPYU – Tommy: "How old are you mamma?" Mamma: "Let me think Tommy. Well our three ages ...

Mamma's Age – Amusements In Mathematics, Henry Ernest Dudeney.

ZFKX – Imagine a bottle recycling skip empty other than one lonely bottle. Every hour ...

ZGQN – You find yourself playing a game with your friend. It is played with a deck of ...

Puzzle Copyright © E.J. Shamblen

ZRFG – Which of the shapes is identical to the first one? There might be more than ...

Puzzle Copyright © Robert A. Hartmann

ZRTD – What number is three-quarters of eight-ninths of one-half of 2001?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMVO – What word is missing from this sequence: begin inch channel elastic ? cellar ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNLA – At the recent BrainBashers downhill mountain bike race four entrants entered ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAGW – Complete this grid of 4 four-letter words written horizontally. Once complete ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRZL – How many squares of any size can you find on this chessboard that do not ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLCG – If four kittens can catch four toys in four minutes how many toys can twelve ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZINR – After the recent BrainBashers drone racing contest the four contestants were ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVZH – Using all of the letters A to Z each once only complete these words: ban- ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDFX – I recently travelled from my home town to a distant music concert on a pedal ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEPE – Which number when written as a word makes this true: Cleverly there are exactly ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIJL – Below are thirteen 5-letter words each of which has had two of its letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIXB – At the local model boat club four friends were talking about their boats. There ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZMR – Can you find a number such that its double is fourteen more than its quarter?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWJI – These five words are connected somehow which word is missing? ORIGAMI REPTILIAN ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZURT – In this puzzle all of the numbers from 1 to 8 are used. The differences between ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHEF – By changing the third letter of each of the words below can you make another ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCGQ – Hidden below are eight 7-letter words. Each word begins with the central S and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNWV – I am compiling the new BrainBashers world almanac and it now contains lots more ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIFY – Take a set of three letters from the left column and a set of three letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDPX – How many squares of any size can you find on this chessboard that do not ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRIL – During a recent BrainBashers thinking contest(!) the total number of points ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOYA – Moving from letter to letter using the moves of a chess knight can you find the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEFV – After a local bank robbery four suspects were interviewed. Below is a summary ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJWJ – The results of a recent Chess tournament between five close rivals is described ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTJK – What word comes next: jangled febrifuge marbles apricot mayflower jungle ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVLZ – What four-digit number has Digit 2 smaller than Digit 4 which is two thirds of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIRD – From each of these words remove one letter and then rearrange the remaining ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDNQ – Can you find the number that best completes this puzzle?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBIL – During the recent BrainBashers Football Competition 5 teams were competing.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFZK – hwayetritipzl omnltesnhsuze

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYOT – Here is a snippet of section A of the curious multiple-choice entrance exam ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRBH – Last week I travelled from London to Stoke. On the first day I travelled one ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXYR – Below 9 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPXQ – Can you find a five-digit number that has no zeros nor ones in it and no digit ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZISK – The recent BrainBashers annual marathon has just taken place. The judges have ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBUN – Below are safari animals however each letter has been replaced by its position ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAXQ – Can you find at least 10 different colours hidden in the following paragraph? ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZENX – Frankie the Squirrel can find one acorn in 15 minutes and Glenn the Squirrel ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSEA – Below you will find 15 well-known seven-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRDF – Four clowns were getting ready for the evening's performance. From the clothes ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQOI – What word most logically goes in the brackets: EASY [HEAD] HARD OOZE [----] ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSXC – This BrainBashers safe has a rather unusual control panel. In order to open the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKCX – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXLF – Starting in the bottom left corner and moving either up or right adding up the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBEI – At the recent BrainBashers code-breaking convention Billie Brisk won the speed ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVHE – What 5-digit number am I thinking of? It has two prime digits. Digit 3 is the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSAO – At the end of the last volleyball season the main results table had been ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNCT – These words have had their vowels (AEIOU) removed can you replace them to find ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNKP – Last week I drove from Aardvark to Beeville. On the first day I travelled 1/3 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOIV – Imagine a chessboard of size 20 x 20 instead of the normal 8 x 8. How many ...

ZXSC – After the local BrainBashers Horse Show some friends were telling everyone who ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDBX – Below 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYVT – This famous river has a number of cities along its course. What is its name?

Puzzle Copyright © Lloyd King

ZNXG – My local library decided to hand out some of its old books to the 1400 people ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGZM – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a binary code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEEG – Each of these sets of arrows represents a word. What are the words?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCBS – This BrainBashers safe has a rather unusual control panel. In order to open the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJFC – Here is a curious grid! The sums of the shapes are shown at the end of each row ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZINF – Below you will find well-known eight-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZVA – Last week I travelled from Birmingham to Glasgow (via bicycle). On the first ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAYQ – Can you find the hidden country in the following paragraph: As a keen ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIGY – What number comes next in this sequence: 914275 94275 9475 975 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGKO – Below 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKPU – How many squares have been placed in the drawing below?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTAH – Last week I travelled from London to Leeds a distance I measured as 174 miles.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCVZ – Can you find a five-digit number that has no zeros and no digit is repeated ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOAN – Here is the latest BrainBashers questionnaire how well can you do? Q1. The ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGNB – Hidden in the grid below are eight 7-letter words. Each word begins with the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWOL – My local bus company has recently expanded and no longer has enough room inside ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTOX – In my collection of classical music I have a range of pieces that last 6 7 8 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPLM – Below are thirteen 5-letter words each of which has had two of its letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJLX – During a recent gymnastics gala four athletes competed in three events the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZYU – Within the BrainBashers school the science department has three disciplines. In ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTKI – How many squares of any size are on a board divided up into 6 squares by 6 ...

ZYJU – Below 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZROR – At the recent spring fayre four keen gardeners were displaying their fine ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLXH – Starting with a five-letter word change one letter to create a new word. This ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQPU – What comes next in this sequence: iron bromine uranium argon ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKWM – Using all of the letters of the alphabet once only complete these words: -e--a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWTB – Using the new BrainBashers programming language BrainBasic the following words ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVZB – In the following sum the digits 0 to 9 have all been used. O = Odd E = Even ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNEC – A large freshwater reservoir has two types of drainage system. Small pipes and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJCD – During a recent plane and train spotting contest five eager entrants were lined ...

Puzzle Copyrighted. Created by Kevin Stone using Brain Cell.

ZBFF – Which word is the odd one out: seventy brawl clover proper carrot swing change ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYWM – Can you find every occurrence of the word LOVE that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNTH – My current age is the age of my favourite book (which is 14 years old) plus one ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUYK – After a local art theft six suspects were interviewed. Below is a summary of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZQO – Each of these words can be split in half and two letters can be placed in the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQIO – Starting in the bottom left corner and moving either up or right adding up the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOFE – Yesterday I went for a short bicycle ride around the local lakes. As the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYNI – During the latest round of the BrainBashers school triathlon the final results ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYIT – The Miller next took the company aside and showed them nine sacks of flour that ...

The Miller's Puzzle – The Canterbury Puzzles, Henry Ernest Dudeney.

ZUII – Place letters into the grid such that every row column and 2x2 block has ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson and Frank Longo

ZKGX – There are three houses and three utilities: water gas and electricity. Your ...

ZWJD – Hidden in these sentences are the numbers 1 to 10 (in words). A number might ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJRZ – Using the clues from below can you find ten words? Once you have placed the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMJP – Take away eight of the matches below and leave one matchstick behind. There are ...

Puzzle Copyright © Lloyd King

ZSQB – In the local wood there are a number of trees. On these trees there are a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUZN – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGSB – Six people whose names are Fred Alberts Larry Smith Brian Martin Marty Jones ...

Puzzle Copyright © David Leithauser

ZKRV – Can you find anagrams of the following words? COAGULATE CAVITATES BACTERIAL ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDJB – At midnight at the start of Monday January 1st Professor Stone set two ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSGJ – A 'complete' word is a word in which every letter in turn can be replaced by ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOTY – Alex and Billie were rowing their canoe along the River Trent. In the morning ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWSC – Starting in the bottom left corner and moving either up or right adding up the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCZL – What letter comes next in this sequence: E O E R E ?

ZNNJ – Five People were all taking a vacation in Shriekville unfortunately all of ...

Puzzle Copyright © The Logic Zone

ZLIA – Below are thirteen 5-letter words each of which has had two of its letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDWI – Hidden in the grid below are 6 hidden animals. Once you have crossed off the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNFV – During a recent trip to Scotland I filled my petrol tank to the top a total of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXWW – This BrainBashers safe has a rather unusual control panel. In order to open the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSVE – Below you can find 8 words that have had their beginnings and endings removed.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXLN – Complete this grid with the digits 1 to 6 to make the sum correct. Perform each ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNMB – Alex is a keen dog admirer and over the years has had a number of dogs. Alex ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAUE – Which of the shapes is identical to the first one? There might be more than ...

Puzzle Copyright © Robert A. Hartmann

ZJNF – By changing the second letter of each word below you can make another valid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQTF – The final of the BrainBashers triathlon was a close run thing. The whole ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVVT – Farmer Stone is quite an eccentric dairy farmer. He originally had a total of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSLQ – Starting in the bottom left corner what is the highest total you can make? You ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXEN – Below you can find a proverb. The letters have been converted to their location ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEWF – Last week I decided to cycle to my Grandparents's house. On the first day I ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSDO – The BrainBashers Speed Skating championship was recently completed however the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGCN – Below 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPSJ – Place the following words into the grid: MERCURY VENUS EARTH MARS SATURN URANUS ...

Puzzle Copyright © Cihan Altay

ZXQO – How many squares of any size can you find on this chessboard which do not ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYTT – If 7/28 of 64 is 16 and 9/12 of 100 is 75 and 3/9 of 33 is 11 what is 5/15 of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEEF – At last year's BrainBashers snail race 10 fine snails completed the tabletop ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKNL – Can you add two lines to complete this sequence of towers?

Puzzle Copyright © Lloyd King

ZIJY – Below you will find 10 seven-letter words with only their endings remaining.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSWH – Can you find the three missing numbers each of which is written as a word? For ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLBV – Can you circle exactly three numbers and make a total of 19?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZEQ – Place the words below into pairs. You will then have 5 lots of eight letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXGG – After a day picking strawberries I had a basket full. I ate 5 and gave Alex ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFFC – What comes next in this sequence: elgnairt erauqs nogatnep nogaxeh nogatpeh ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGKK – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCTJ – Using the clues below can you find 8 four-letter words? Once you have placed ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUVM – You have a very large number of generic plastic building blocks each in the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYQO – My 7658 is a large stick. My 5634 is a strong desire. My 712 holds animals. My ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKRC – Which circle which square and which triangle has the closest area to the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKPQ – Can you draw a line through all of the edges in this picture? Each side is ...

ZFSL – The other day I was sitting in my local tavern The Spyglass which overlooks the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Lloyd King

ZPJX – For being good at the garden fayre four children were each given two sweets.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUKB – How many squares of any size can you find on this chessboard that do not ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJLL – The question is somewhere in the grid. W B H F S K F V J P Z H S S H T J P P N ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEHJ – Below are thirteen 5-letter words each of which has had two of its letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNGR – Starting in the bottom left corner and moving either up or right one square at ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBBE – Which of the four shapes comes next in this sequence:

Puzzle Copyright © Elliott Line
This puzzle appeared in Mensa's EnigmaSig (193.06) and is used with permission.

ZGOE – What shape completes the bottom line? triangle pentagon square square hexagon ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPXP – These words have had their vowels removed. Can you replace the vowels to make ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQIA – Below are ten words that have been split in half. The first column has all the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQRF – After a local bank robbery five suspects were interviewed. Below is a summary ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXJG – Can you draw a continuous line that travels in order from 1 to 6? You can only ...

Puzzle Copyright © Cihan Altay

ZQVP – At the local sweet shop three particularly nice sweets are on special offer. A ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEOW – Below are thirteen 5-letter words each of which has had two of its letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXDB – One fine morning twelve intrepid travellers found themselves facing a rather ...

Puzzle Copyright © Randall Fine

ZADV – Below you will find 15 well-known six-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXNW – A coin collector decides to divide his coin collection between his children.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHBL – I recently gave a new carriage clock to my friend for a very special birthday.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCJP – At the local sports club some veteran members were photographed together for ...

Puzzle Copyrighted. Created by Kevin Stone using Brain Cell.

ZNWN – Can you find the sum of the second column?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSAT – Can you find the hidden country in the following paragraph: After many years ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZQF – Which one of these letters is the odd one out?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGWK – What number comes next in this sequence: 1 23 124 1251 26127 128129 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBVT – In the illustration we have a sketch of Sir Edwyn de Tudor going to rescue his ...

Sir Edwyn De Tudor – Amusements In Mathematics, Henry Ernest Dudeney.

ZZEC – Can you find the book titles hidden in these phrases? ROME OR OSLO? ANDREW ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQZE – Place an arrow in each empty square. Every arrow can either point left or right ...

Puzzle Copyright © Johan de Ruiter

ZRJA – Each of the 6-letter words below can be mixed up and then broken down into two ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTNI – Below are thirteen 5-letter words each of which has had two of its letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJMF – Below you will find 10 well-known six-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDBT – Can you create a sentence that contains the word 'and' five times in a row? ...

ZZVV – Each empty white square in the grid contains one of the numbers 1 2 3 8. Each ...

Puzzle Copyright © Erich Friedman

ZEQH – I was having trouble sleeping last night and I tossed and turned well into the ...

ZTBA – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZJE – Below are five phrases that have been altered. Rearrange the words so that when ...

Puzzle Copyright © Carl Ginnow. Used with permission.

ZBTC – Your objective is to place some diagonal mirrors into the grid. If a ray of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Elliott Line
This puzzle appeared in Mensa's EnigmaSig (196.26) and is used with permission.

ZNQL – During a recent music festival four DJs entered the mixing contest. Each wore a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYZN – Freddie was in love with three girls from his school! He couldn't decide which ...

Puzzle Copyright © Rodins Ltd

ZKOT – What letter comes next in this sequence: M V E M J ?

ZFCI – I'm amazing 'cause I've got the force To hold down a cow or a horse As you've ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson

ZEGX – Four friends were discussing their prize winning carp. There were four ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCSB – At a musical recital five students (John Kate Larry Mary and Nick) performed ...

Puzzle Copyright © Chris Joh

ZNSV – Many years ago a cruise liner sank in the middle of the ocean. The castaways ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZKV – Can you fill the thermometers with mercury such that the numbers outside the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Johan de Ruiter

ZRZH – Four friends were competing in the internationally renowned BrainBashers Bog ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVNP – What is the next number in this sequence: 14 91 62 53 64 96 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZURU – Below are thirteen 5-letter words each of which has had two of its letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIAG – This year Farmer Stone's harvest of apples was quite significant. He decided to ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSRG – Place all of the digits from 1 to 9 into the circles so that the sum of the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Cihan Altay

ZEJH – At the local nursery school I was chatting to my daughter's friends and noticed ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZACP – What is the 20th prime number? 2 3 5 7

ZYBC – Five tree surgeons are waiting to start their day's work in the local forest ...

Puzzle Copyrighted. Created by Kevin Stone using Brain Cell.

ZKSK – A trout's tail weighs eight pounds. Its head weighs as much as the tail and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFDK – Can you complete the following four 5-letter words? The missing letters in ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPYT – Add lines to this grid and create five areas that each have 4 letters to spell ...

Puzzle Copyright © Elliott Line
This puzzle appeared in Mensa's EnigmaSig (194.34) and is used with permission.

ZHIZ – Starting with any number on the top row make your way to the bottom adding the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIZG – Four shepherds were watching over their flocks and they were commenting on how ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLPQ – What word can prefix (go before) these letters to make a valid word in each ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQRW – Can you find the hidden country in the following paragraph: We told Cliff to ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCIK – Just last week Stacey's nieces and nephews met up to go to the cinema to see ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKDH – Each of these words can have the same letter placed at the beginning and the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMHZ – Move from letter to letter and collect the necessary letters for FIND (in any ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZICD – What number comes next in this sequence: 31 30 31 31 ? Clue: the answer is NOT ...

ZEQO – What letter comes next in this sequence: P O I U Y T ?

ZEVM – Place the digits from 1 to 9 in each closed area so that the sum of the digits ...

Puzzle Copyright © Cihan Altay

ZBCD – Look at the following sentence once and once only how many times can you find ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRJI – The following words have had their vowels removed can you find the missing ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHNZ – My friend's son Billy has the same number of brothers as sisters. His sister ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSHC – Below 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZADD – These five business people represented different companies at a recent trade ...

Puzzle Copyright © Rodins Ltd

ZCNS – Below you will find 15 well-known five-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHQK – My special BrainBashers clock works in a very unusual way. It only ever shows ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZESK – Can you complete this grid of letters. Each line is a valid 5 letter word with ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZILN – Place the digits 1 to 8 into the grid. The numbers you can see are the totals ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLRW – By changing the second letter of each word below you can make another valid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNCV – As oou oan oee oy poinoer oepoacos eoero thord oetoer oito tho leoteo 'o'. How ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYLQ – How many squares of any size can you find on this chessboard that do not ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNDX – Can you find the hidden country in the following paragraph? Welsh horses are my ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYEA – Can you complete the grid without forming a 3-In-A-Row of the same colour. Each ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIIQ – What is the name of this city?

Puzzle Copyright © Lloyd King

ZAJG – In each of these 5 words can you change the underlined letter to produce 5 new ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCEJ – This BrainBashers safe has a rather unusual control panel. In order to open the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJCL – Some months have 30 days some have 31 but how many have 28 days?

ZDDT – Customer services at BrainBashers headquarters received the following letter ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRWB – Below 10 countries have been broken into chunks of letters. These chunks have ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEXF – My BrainBashers electronic world atlas has developed a fault I did a listing of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCCR – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCXS – Kevin wants to go and see his brother who lives across the valley and he wants ...

ZAHN – This arrow is currently pointing from South to North. Move one line and add one ...

Puzzle Copyright © Lloyd King

ZPUC – My first is in kendo but not in squash. My second is in hurdles and in hunting.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWCO – What is so unusual about this sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy ...

ZQZZ – Alex's child Drew is exactly one fifth of Alex's age. In 21 years Alex will be ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSXK – After the recent BrainBashers annual marathon the judges were comparing notes ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJGT – Hidden in the grid below are eight 7-letter words. Each word begins with the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWPF – What value of X makes the following correct:

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIZV – Place letters into the grid such that every row column and 2x2 block has ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson and Frank Longo

ZWSW – This BrainBashers safe has a rather unusual control panel. In order to open the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRQK – Painter Pete our local DIY expert is renovating the local hospital. He has to ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTZP – Combine the word fragments below to produce pairs of words that have opposite ...

Puzzle Copyright © Elliott Line
This puzzle appeared in Mensa's EnigmaSig (194.21) and is used with permission.

ZIMH – Two friends were driving from their home to Manchester Alex drove the first 90 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFSC – During a recent police investigation Chief Inspector Stone was interviewing ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBOM – The legendary BrainBashers calendar had a recent bug. Here is a listing showing ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNNB – Exactly how many minutes is it before seven o'clock if 40 minutes ago it was ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDUC – Moving up or right what is the highest total you can make using the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZVB – Once you have unscrambled the following countries the first letters can be ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWTL – After a local bungled heist five suspects were being interviewed by the police.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDEZ – This BrainBashers safe has a rather unusual control panel. In order to open the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAPY – I recently went to the shop and purchased 4 items. Three of the items cost: ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSWW – After a recent spate of home improvements four couples were having a dinner ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUMS – Below you will find some eight-letter words with only their endings remaining.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBQK – Can you find the hidden country in the following sentence: A parish newspaper ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSOP – There are four bungalows in our cul-de-sac. They are made from these materials: ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAFM – At a recent painting competition the results were mislaid. Luckily I remembered ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXYZ – I have a bottle and a straw which cost me 60 pence. The bottle cost 10 pence ...

ZQUZ – As my autumnal birthday approaches I like to collect leaves! A little bizarre ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVGV – Here is a snippet of section B of the curious multiple-choice entrance exam ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBQB – Complete the grid such that every row and column contains the digits 1 to 6.

Puzzle Copyright © Johan de Ruiter

ZSKP – Take a word from the first column and a word from the second column to create 5 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCGP – Using all of the letters A to Z each once only complete these words: -e-er ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIWR – Disastrous Dave was washing windows on a multi-storey office building when he ...

ZVXI – Here is a snippet of section D of the curious multiple-choice entrance exam ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCDD – These 4-letter words can each have a letter added and then be rearranged to ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRSR – Fill in the missing numbers with the digits 1 to 9. A diamond shape in the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Elliott Line
This puzzle appeared in Mensa's EnigmaSig (195.08) and is used with permission.

ZIEU – Can you complete this grid of letters? Each line is a valid 5-letter word with ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRZE – During a recent expedition three intrepid adventurers were left stranded in the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTNZ – At the recent BrainBashers Mixed National Hurdle trials ten contestants ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVZE – I started out on the journey from the forest with a full tank of fuel 12 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIKX – At the local BrainBashers Sunday School meeting the teacher brought in some ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGBB – Alex can eat 27 chocolates in a hour Billie can eat 2 chocolates in 10 minutes ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJYZ – Can you find anagrams of the following words? ASPIRATE ALARMING BLEATING ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPOC – After a recent marathon the following was noted. Alex finished after Frankie.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFXF – Starting in the bottom left corner and moving either up or right how many ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUDY – Place letters into the grid such that every row column and 2x2 block has ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson and Frank Longo

ZETP – Matthew Shelborn frequently has to travel for his company which gives him a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Rodins Ltd

ZMKA – At the recent BrainBashers Championships 2022 the 100 metres heats were closely ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMFH – Which two letters come next in this sequence: ME VE EA MA JU SA UR ?

ZRYM – What letter comes next in this sequence: X L C D ?

ZQCQ – Three builders are laying a brick wall. Freddie can lay 1000 bricks in three ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTBG – The weather at the Cape of Good Hope makes it a notorious location where many ...

Puzzle Copyright © Rodins Ltd

ZCAG – Are there more: square inches in a piece of carpet 15 yards by 5 yards or feet ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHFJ – I recently asked my friend Alex to buy me some ribbon for my child's bonnet.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNKT – As I was going to St. Ives I met a man with seven wives. Each wife had seven ...

ZHFC – Our local scrap merchant had to travel to the county recycling plant 60 miles ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJXI – I have three daughters and each has one brother. How many children do I have?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCIV – Can you complete these common 5-letter words? -S-G- --R-F -ZU-- E--X- -P--C ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRNJ – I started a journey to my Aunt's yesterday with a full tank of gasoline 10 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYMX – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a binary code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSSX – Can you find the hidden country in the following sentence: After falling off ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDVN – Can you find common anagrams of the following words: BINARY ABROAD RASCAL ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJSA – The legendary BrainBashers calendar has had a small problem. Here is a listing ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBOE – Using a tap a seven gallon container and an eleven gallon container can you ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPGD – Below are 8 Academy Award winners. The letters of their names have been mixed ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVRC – This is a very special sequence and is complete but what is the missing letter? ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone


Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYUS – A local school teacher wanted to share 703 sweets equally between the pupils.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOHI – What three-letter word best completes these words? CON HE EH MYR QUER ST

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSLY – Below you will find 9 well-known five-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFLF – Place a horizontal or a vertical line into every blank square. Each number ...

Puzzle Copyright © Johan de Ruiter

ZRPG – Using the letters AAAAEERRRRTT complete this grid. The grid reads the same ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQSQ – What comes next in this sequence: fawn bear lion mole ? Select from: seal duck ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEZT – Can you find three consecutive even numbers that total 85008 when multiplied ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZPN – At a recent bowling match two games were played. Kelly beat Sam in both games ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWSK – Unluckily last week I lost my measuring tape. It was unlucky as I had to ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEWS – Add one Z to the following word to form another valid English word: LEG You may ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMUN – Four related words are merged below: MAAP EABA NNGP PRLE ANAO

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTDT – My BrainBashers calculator is low on batteries again and the following ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZITA – Complete this grid using the letters AAADDEEEEKSSSS.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTVA – Each of the following sets of letters can be made into a real word by adding ...

Puzzle Copyright © Elliott Line
This puzzle appeared in Mensa's EnigmaSig (203.08) and is used with permission.

ZNIT – The BrainBashers Dictionary of Proverbs is running out of memory. Below are ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPEQ – I was quite bored yesterday so I visited my local animal sanctuary. To pass the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCUJ – Below is a grid which should contain boy's names. The missing letters for a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIPY – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVNZ – The month of March in the year 1980 contained 5 Saturdays and 5 Mondays. What ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSKV – Apparently one side of a cat has more hair. The findings of the scientific ...

ZMUA – The map below shows the street locations of a city. Position three police ...

Puzzle Copyright © Cihan Altay

ZQDR – After visiting one of my very old relatives I travelled home in their old ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYJB – A rope swing hangs vertically down so that the end is 12 inches from the ground ...

Puzzle Copyright © Elliott Line
This puzzle appeared in Mensa's EnigmaSig (198.24) and is used with permission.

ZWPU – Place letters into the grid such that every row column and 2 x 2 block has ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson and Frank Longo

ZWYX – Starting with the 6 in the bottom left corner what is the highest total you can ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQJS – A woman had three old coins: a silver dollar a quarter and a dime. Each coin ...

Based on a puzzle by Henry Ernest Dudeney.

ZVLW – Below 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters. These ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKQL – Using all of the letters A to Z each once only complete these words: -e-el b-d ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNOU – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXZJ – Below you will find 10 well-known seven letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZULZ – Painter Pete did such a good job of the housing estate he was asked to paint ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLYW – How many squares of any size can be found on a standard chessboard? How many ...

ZAJT – Place letters into the grid such that every row column and 2x2 block has ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson and Frank Longo

ZCPD – My first is in horse but not in pony. My second is in coyote but not in jackal.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLCF – Which is larger the number of seconds in a day or the number of hours in 10 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZTF – Here is a set of five clues for five words that only differ by one vowel ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVTE – Which four vegetables have been merged together? CAB SWE RPR EED OAA ETN

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGFJ – This BrainBashers safe has a rather unusual control panel. In order to open the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCSN – I am compiling the BrainBashers world almanac and it now contains quite a few ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKAZ – Place letters into the grid such that every row column and 2x2 block has ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson and Frank Longo

ZMQO – How many grains of sand do you need until you have a heap of sand?

ZWYA – Below you will find 15 well-known six-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQNG – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a binary code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVAR – Place letters into the grid such that every row column and 2x2 block has ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson and Frank Longo

ZMHE – At the local mid-summers fayre four ladies are planning to delight the visitors ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMDW – Below is a grid which should contain animals. The missing letters for a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLIN – Using only horizontal and vertical lines connect every number to its pair (i.e.

Puzzle Copyright © Johan de Ruiter

ZJCA – Below is 88 moving only two lines can you turn this into 81?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDIE – Can you find all of the spokes? A digit on a hub denotes the number of spokes ...

Puzzle Copyright © Johan de Ruiter

ZTCA – Can you find every occurrence of the word APPLES that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHNJ – Are there more inches in a mile or Sundays in a thousand years?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJBE – Which word does not belong with the others: dgo act ehors ceffio elrttu ekmnoy

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOKI – Yesterday I was asked to buy some stamps. Stamps in the land of BrainBashers ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZKL – My BrainBashers electronic world atlas has developed another fault. I listed ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFDI – Workers with the surnames Butcher Baker Carpenter and Plumber are currently ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQFR – Without using any reference material can you find the hidden countries? In each ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVQX – By changing the second letter of each of the words below can you make another ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHIR – We have been quite lucky with the weather recently it has got steadily warmer ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSSR – If cat and a half can catch a mouse and a half in a day and a half how many ...

ZPQT – The four clowns in this puzzle all competed for the much-prized 'Clown of the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Rodins Ltd

ZVUZ – What is missing from this sequence: teloiv ogidni eulb ? wolley egnaro der

ZAAF – What four related words are merged here: SWAS PURI UINM NTTU MGER MNER

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAKM – What common word has 4 vowels one after the other?

ZQDY – Hidden in the grid below are three boys names. Starting at any point trace out ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHQY – What is missing from this sequence: Greenland New Guinea Borneo Madagascar ? ...

ZSZX – Without using any reference material can you find the hidden countries? In each ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCXN – Last week I spent half of my money on a new jacket and then I spent half of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNHQ – My BrainBashers electronic world atlas has developed another fault. I listed ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJFH – What 5-letter word can be added to the end of these words to make new words: ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFMM – What four related words are merged together? TOUS RGQC URRO IAAN RLGS EEET ENE

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIMZ – Using the letters EEIIIISSSTTT complete this grid. The grid reads the same ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVAO – What comes next in this sequence:

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXXR – The BrainBashers football world tour is well underway and Alex is planning the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEKA – At the local play group for babies and toddlers I was asking about the number ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKRS – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWFI – If 5 cats can catch 5 rats in 5 minutes how many cats do you need to catch 100 ...

ZGXH – Hidden in the grid below are three boys names. Starting at any point trace out ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVUS – What word goes in the brackets: FOOD [ROAD] HARD WEEP [----] FALL

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLIJ – What word comes next in this sequence: penguin umbrella zebra zip llama egg ? ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNQP – My trustworthy (?!) BrainBashers word processor is playing its silly tricks ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRHH – At last week's Girl Guide's picnic four girls were tucking into their packed ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTZV – Without using any reference material can you find the hidden countries? In each ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRUP – What starts with an E ends with an E and usually contains only one letter?

ZVOM – Using a tap a nine gallon container and a four gallon container can you measure ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNRA – Yesterday I was asked to buy some stamps. In the land of BrainBashers stamps ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone


Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIQX – What four-digit number has Digit 1 three smaller than Digit 4 which is one more ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVAQ – I recently asked a friend of mine to buy me some ribbon for my latest ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFFK – Can you complete this paragraph using two words that are anagrams of each ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYYP – Alex likes soda very much. At the local convenience store for every 5 empty ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUKF – In this long division each number has been replaced by another. The answer has ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSVL – Which word is the odd one out: football polo badminton baseball golf tennis ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXDM – At the recent interdepartmental jam making contest four lucky candidates took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCWM – I was travelling from Chesterton to Newcastle recently when I came across a ...

ZLDH – Hidden in the grid below are eight 7 letter words. Each word begins with the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIWB – Below is a very special grid around each shaded number are 8 white squares.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEXR – Can you find five hidden countries in the following paragraph: Dominic had a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXEW – How many days before 17 th August is it if 50 days ago it was four times as ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTKW – Which name is missing from this sequence: Richard ? Keith Graham Kevin James ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWXM – Start with a number larger than 0 square it add 4 double take away 3 times 4 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone


Puzzle Copyright © Cihan Altay

ZEYS – Hidden in the grid below are eight 7-letter words. Each word begins with the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHGN – Jake has some unusual likes and dislikes. He likes balloons but does not like ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSCT – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVYU – In farmer Brown's hay loft there are a number of animals in particular crows ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFUD – What three letter word best completes the below words? LOE EDUE VAE STER SHE ER

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNAQ – Which four related foods have been merged together? COP ENK EAC UCO NTA RNM UQI ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEPS – The following words have had their vowels removed can you find some animals? ln ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZPD – In the following line cross out nine letters such that the remaining letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPYH – Using the letters AAEENNPPPPSS complete this grid. The grid reads the same ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXTC – Below is a grid which should contain girl's names. The missing letters for a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOCW – My local greengrocer is a would-be mathematician. She likes to arrange the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOWY – The local River Trent is 4100 inches wide which happens to be a fantastic ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWOI – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNOJ – Workers with the surnames Baker Teacher Carpenter and Plumber are currently ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZLZ – My 12 8 and 9 is a sheep. My 3 5 and 6 is not high. My 1 8 and 9 is a starchy ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUBJ – Last week my wife and I found ourselves stranded on an island oops! ...

ZBPS – Can you find every occurrence of the word AUGUST that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYPO – Starting with HATE change one letter at a time until you have the word LOVE- ...

ZKJA – You are running in a marathon and you overtake the person in second place. What ...

ZHJJ – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYKA – At a local village gala the entire population turned up 500 people. The event ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPUU – My BrainBashers electronic world atlas has developed a fault I did a listing of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZDN – In each of these three sentences can you replace the missing number which ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIJZ – During an exciting weekend of paintball four friends were having great fun. The ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKZL – The Winter Festival is well underway and BrainBashers control is working out ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTUW – Alex and Billie have to empty all of the bookshelves in the library and move ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXJD – This multiplication contains the numbers 1-9. Can you complete it? 3. x ---- .

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCDE – Can you find a five-digit number that if you place a 9 at the beginning is four ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUHT – Starting with WARM change one letter at a time and end with COOL? Each change ...

ZBUQ – Which word is the odd one out: ceelry caorrt caabbeg caefilloruw caehikort

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKHA – My first is in camel and in hamster. My second is in otter but not in ferret.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMOP – What letter should complete this sequence: L A H A R U R E D L ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHDO – A well-known seven-letter word can be created by starting with a single letter ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWRU – What always weighs the same no matter how large it is?

ZGXF – Five men whose names are Bob Edison Tom Stevenson Marty Brown Jim Davis and ...

Puzzle Copyright © David Leithauser

ZUBN – I really must replace my BrainBashers word processor. I recently spell checked ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBIP – At the local racetrack Alex was testing the latest car. During the eight test ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUGC – A farmer buys chicken feed for 47c per tonne pig feed for 1.23 per tonne and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZNC – What letter is missing from this sequence: A A A A ? A A A A A A Clue: the ...

ZJRY – How many people must be at a party before you are likely to have two having the ...

ZQML – Would you believe that this amazing sentence contains ninety two letters one ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAFX – Start in square 'S' and end in square 'E' moving either horizontally or ...

Puzzle Copyright © Cihan Altay

ZVLI – What common animal comes next in this sequence: eel cat lion ibex panda ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJPL – A rich aristocrat decided that he would give every man 45 dollars and every ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTTO – Can you find the hidden country in the following sentence: If a Dalmatian can ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYAG – Can you find every occurrence of the word LEMON that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPWK – You've been asked to buy the cakes for the school party and you've been given ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBKU – What comes next in this sequence: Bucket raisins aardvark igloo north Bradawl ? ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFOV – At the equator the radius of the earth is 6378 km so its circumference is ...

ZIFG – Below is a very special grid around each shaded number are 8 white squares.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJEA – What comes next in this sequence: hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron ?

ZRIY – Here is a well known proverb with the consonants removed. What is the proverb? ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZNP – What letter comes next in this sequence: Y Y H L Y E Y T ?

ZPLR – Which fruit comes next in this sequence: banana pear kiwi tomato ? Choose from: ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZITV – A grocer has to place 28121 carrots into bags each bag containing the same ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLUI – How should these words actually be spelled without using a dictionary.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDXF – Can you find a word which can go in front of each of these words to make a new ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOKW – If a farmer buys chicken feed for 1.26 per tonne pig feed for 2.74 per tonne ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQRJ – Below are ten everyday words each of which has had some letters removed. The ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZLD – Are there more seconds in a week or feet in 100 miles?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJQQ – Can you find a five letter word which when written in upper-case reads the same ...

ZNXA – Which word comes next in this sequence: India Victor X-Ray Lima Charlie ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWSM – What number replaces the question mark?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPHH – The same three-letter word has been removed from all of these words leaving the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVHV – As the auditor for my local theme park I noticed that on Saturday there were ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIPI – Which are there more of: rolls in a dozen baker's dozen or hours in a week?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUPW – If a farmer buys chicken feed for 57c per tonne pig feed for 1.52 per tonne and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBXV – What number comes next in this sequence: 986888 724864 143224 ==??==

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUPT – Which is larger the number of seconds in a week or the number of minutes in a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBZT – Find two words which are anagrams of each other which complete this sentence: ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDQD – On the charts I remain number one This position cannot be undone If I burn you ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson

ZQFL – If 7 ingots of IRON weigh 112 tonnes 4 ingots of COBALT weigh 104 tonnes and 3 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNBA – If one small rabbit can dig a warren in nine hours a medium rabbit can dig a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYJX – Richard Kevin and James like coffee Andrew Anne and John don't. Does Simon like ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCIM – On the 6th of May 1978 something happened at 12:34 which will not happen again ...

ZELW – Can you guess what the following abbreviations mean COM DRA ADV ACT SPO MUS HOR ...

Puzzle Copyright © Alan Stillson

ZUVL – During a recent school reunion four friends were discussing their starting ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJXK – I recently gave a new watch to my friend for their birthday. However as usual ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSVM – I am a 10-letter word. My 9 6 1 2 is something a swimmer may do. My 5 4 4 3 is ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAON – Which is greater the number of grooves on one side of a vinyl record (if you ...

ZTPH – What belongs to you but other people use it more than you?

ZNEH – Alex and Billie Stone have three daughters and each daughter has two brothers.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDIN – If you are running in a marathon and you overtake the person in last place what ...

ZTNN – A donkey is tied to a rope 6 feet long and there is a bale of hay 8 feet away.

ZFBC – Can you find a three-digit number such that when you reverse the numbers you ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKMP – What three-letter word best completes the below words? sw--- ---y al--- f--- ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFEW – I was recently given a new watch for my birthday. However as usual with my ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHCM – Gib is to llams as nepo is to desolc as pu is to ?.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKQK – Using the letters AAEEHHLLLLMMNNOOSSTT complete this grid. The grid reads the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXEV – Can you work out the order of the planets in this sequence? Jupiter Saturn ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCOG – Starting with BALL change one letter at a time until you have the word HEAD.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLSY – This is a well known children's musical piece the vowels have been removed and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBTP – At my local farmer's merchant you can buy chicken feed for 15c per tonne pig ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXBI – You have a barrel filled to the top with water which weighs 150 pounds. What ...

ZNCR – Every year just before my birthday I open my money box to see how much money I ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJPY – Assign every letter of the alphabet its numerical value: A=1 B=2 C=3 and so on ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHOV – Which word if pronounced right is wrong but if pronounced wrong is right?

ZNFP – This is a well known children's musical piece the vowels have been removed and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRPE – Which name comes next in this sequence: Sarah Helen Diane Joanne ? Choose from: ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHVZ – What letter completes this sequence: A U E O I I O E U ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFLZ – Can you find a three-letter word that completes these words? B D MET PING SH

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLUS – Can you find three words which contain EE twice?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMYC – What are the next five letters in this sequence: HDSOAW HDHAGF ATKHAATKM

ZMYR – Which letter completes this sequence: T A O T B I E S O T R H N E O Q T U T E O ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOHO – Which are there more of days in a year or bones in an adult human body?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNET – Can you find a word that can suffix (go after) each of these letters: re deva ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJDJ – Last night I was looking at a road sign and could see that Leeds was 13 miles ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWBR – At my local farmer's merchant you can buy chicken feed for 4 per tonne pig feed ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZODU – Which is the odd one out: CAT DOG GOLDFISH HAMSTER COW

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSBO – In Farmer Donald's hay loft there are a number of ants mice and chickens. There ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNWU – What three-letter word best completes the below words? t---ed b---et fl--- ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVTF – Starting with SOFT change one letter at a time until you have the word LENS.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNJA – This is an annoying paragraph in which you try and work out what is unusual ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJAY – Can you unscramble the letters below to find four cheeses? C C E D H B H E A E ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCWY – Why are 2024 UK pound coins worth more than 2023 UK pound coins?

ZMZK – Looking at a usual clock how many times does the minute hand pass the hour hand ...

ZPLY – The BrainBashers golf world tour is well underway and Fred is planning the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTXN – Tuif cumzye if n fizpye trsg go sre hbw ensl n EOG13 caet eaceyctrd phzmlr paa ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQSE – What are the next 3 digits in this sequence: 7 3 1 8 2 8 5 3 1 5 3 0 3 3 1 4 3 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYES – What is the next number in this sequence: 1 1 2 4 3 9 4 61 5 52 6 63 7 94 8 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOXV – At the annual BrainBashers puzzle discussion conference 20 people attended. At ...

ZZIY – What comes next in this sequence: 31 41 51 61 71 81 92 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBNM – Two fine fellows were working very hard all day at the local coal mine. One of ...

ZCNQ – Which word is the odd one out? erah reed yenkom tibbar tac tesomram gip

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRSQ – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAII – How many common five letter words can you make from the following letters using ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVXY – Which cheese is made backwards?

ZDOM – What comes next in this sequence: dog cat mouse mole deer pig ? Choose from: ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFEX – What word most logically goes in the brackets: SAFE [FAST] MALT OUST [----] ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNQV – The local CD shop operates an unusual discount policy. The discount on the next ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWYD – What comes next in this sequence: jnry fbrry mrch prl my jn ?

ZIKB – What comes next in this sequence: 2 3 5 7 11 31 71 91 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTQN – Which letter comes next in this sequence: A K Q J ?

ZIRB – What are the next three letters in this sequence: HDD TMRUTC TCSO TMRD

ZVDB – James Simon Ian and William all like walking. But Dave Steven Alan and Alastair ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUCZ – What is the minimum number of queens required on a chessboard such that all ...

ZCTD – On which side of a cup is it best to have the handle?

ZFFG – Can you find a valid sentence which has two consecutive ANDs in it?

ZFAS – What number comes next in this sequence: 42 1412 11141112 31143112 132114132112 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUVH – Which are there more of ounces in gross pounds or seconds in an hour?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDEC – If I give you seven apples you will then have five times as many as I would ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXEO – Only using the letters A I O S T what is the longest word you can find? You may ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSCU – Which one of these sentences is the odd one out? The answer is nothing to do ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVKK – What comes next in this sequence: Dave Edward Duncan Neil Liam ? Choose from: ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIDS – How many cubic feet of earth are removed to make a hole 4 feet wide by 7 feet ...

ZCSC – What letter completes this square in the most logical manner?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKVF – At a recent school fayre 500 people attended and 500 was raised. The prices ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQSV – Can you find a five digit number which is four times its reverse?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQIZ – Can you find a five-digit number whose digits add up to 18 and whose product is ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVTM – Which letter is missing from this sequence: B C D G P T V

ZKNU – Which letter is missing from this sequence: B C E G K Q S W

ZJDY – During a recent school trip to the seaside I sat at the rear of the bus. I ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNTM – If I buy a melon and a coconut the cost will be 1.19. If I buy a melon and a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYUU – At a recent motorsport gathering four proud owners were grouped together around ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPKQ – If Malcolm Laura John Alan Brenda and Kevin like chocolate and Norman Steve ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWUL – This equation contains the numbers 1-8. Can you complete it? 6. .. x ---- .

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDCZ – What is made from nothing yet you can see it?

ZMZY – What comes next in this sequence: eno owt ehret rouf eivf xis ?

ZTFP – Using the letters AAEEIIMMPPTT complete this grid. The grid reads the same ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIGT – What comes next in this sequence: dog goat tarantula aardvark koala ? Choose ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQKD – Albert married Carol. Steven married Katie. Bob married Virginia. Who did Simon ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVFT – Can you fill the thermometers with mercury such that the numbers outside the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Johan de Ruiter

ZPHY – Cen yee rell wrer er wreng werr rrer peregrepr? Er ferrr glence yee mey rrenk ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHRW – Can you find a number whose double exceeds its quarter by 7.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVTQ – Which three letters come next in this sequence: pes gua luj nuj yam rpa ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVHZ – Which is greater? The number of seconds in a year. Miles that light can travel ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPSD – If a bottle weighs eight ounces plus half a bottle what is the weight of a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIZW – The following words have had their vowels removed can you find the missing ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGLU – What is the next number in the sequence: 32 35 40 44 52 112 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPTA – Can you find every occurrence of the word APRIL that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQBH – Can you find three consecutive odd numbers that total 7644585 when multiplied ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNGN – Can you find every occurrence of the word MARCH that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGRS – Can you find every occurrence of the word JANUARY that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJSH – Can you find every occurrence of the word FEBRUARY that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGCD – Practical Pat was asked to cut a 99 foot rope into three smaller equal length ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQEH – Can you find every occurrence of the word DECEMBER that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZICN – Which name is missing from this sequence: Joshua Caleb Eric ? Vince Cliff Craig ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSEO – Can you find every occurrence of the word JULY that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTAB – Add lines to this grid and create five areas that each have 4 letters to spell ...

Puzzle Copyright © Elliott Line
This puzzle appeared in Mensa's EnigmaSig (195.13) and is used with permission.

ZEZB – Can you find every occurrence of the word JUNE that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKRA – What is the only number not found in the Roman numerals system?

ZJLO – Many years ago a cruise liner sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTXP – During a recent BrainBashers race meeting the fastest driver managed to ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEQM – If I was in Florida and dropped a heavy ball into a bucket of water which was ...

ZTJY – Here are some less well known proverbs. What is the missing word in each? ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXZD – My first is in mammoth but not in elephant. My second is in racoon but not in ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHAI – Which is larger: the tenth root of 10 or the cube root of 2?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTMP – What number comes next in this sequence: 3 3 5 4 4 3 5 ?

ZVUP – Where do the biggest potatoes grow?

ZVIB – What are the next five letters in this sequence: JAJWUTH TFAPOW JFDABHC

ZXLA – Alex Smith was born on December 25th 1971 yet their birthday is always in the ...

ZLQD – Tha Brainaasaera elactaonac ward aroaesaor aas aeea playiag ua. It as raplaciag ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBKQ – What gets wetter the more it dries?

ZCVJ – Which four colours have been mixed up below? BYLV GUEE RLLO IWEO ELEN T

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOPB – Take a normal piece of paper exactly 0.1 mm thick. Fold it in half and then in ...

ZZDY – Using the letters EEEENNNNPPSS complete this grid. The grid reads the same ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFOS – How can you drop an egg exactly 30 feet above a concrete floor without breaking ...

ZYVH – Billy has twice as many sisters as brothers. His sister Frankie has one more ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTMI – Can you find three 11-letter words which use the letters from ANTHROPOLOGIST?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRQL – What do you get if you add 2 to 200 four times?

ZAVC – Find three common nine letter words that can be formed on an upside-down ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYLJ – Can you calculate (clue!) which word is the odd one out: giggle soil bells ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFTF – Using the letters EEEEGGLLOOSS complete this grid. The grid reads the same ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCFT – Can you complete this sentence using words which are anagrams of each other? ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCBQ – What number completes this sequence: 4 15 14 11 5 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTXL – What comes next in this sequence: boron carbon nitrogen oxygen ?

ZWSX – Which bird is the odd one out: finch gull eagle ostrich sparrow

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBZL – Which are there more of fathoms in a kilometre or hours in a month?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYEP – Can you find three consecutive prime numbers which total 190747 when multiplied ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYWK – Which pair of letters comes next in this sequence: on et wo th re ef ou ?

ZQCJ – At a recent BrainBashers party I noted the ages of the children who attended.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSUP – What word completes this square: ferret rabbit otter ? Choose from: giraffe ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLDZ – Can you find an anagram of PROBATIONS?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMFT – Which four animals have been mixed up below: BUT RARE ODES CAME BIT

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNJH – If you turn a right handed glove inside out which hand will it now fit?

ZDGO – My wonderful BrainBashers printer has made a few errors in my latest puzzle. In ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOWI – In the sentence below all of the missing words are anagrams of each other: When ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVAG – What well-known saying has been altered below: lla doog shingt eomc ot ehost ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBMQ – Find two words which are anagrams of each other that complete this sentence: ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUIR – Can you find the hidden country in the following paragraph: I recently bought a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEJB – What comes next in this sequence: M N B V C X ?

ZPSM – Tew is to yrd as toh is to dloc as ni is to ?.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDRT – What well known saying has had its consonants removed: -a-- -a--- -a-e -i--- ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIMG – What comes next in the sequence: red orange yellow green blue indigo ?

ZCJT – What is significant about this paragraph: I once found two tiny ferrets tired ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIPJ – I have a jar of sweets. There are 234 red 26 blue 67 green and 63 yellow ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUYX – What number comes next in this sequence: 7 8 5 5 3 4 4 ?

ZLCH – What proverb is hidden below? Llamas often overlook khaki bagels. Every furry ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZACX – Kevin's mother has three children. The first was called Alpha the second was ...

ZFYV – What occurs twice in a lifetime but once in every year. Twice in a week but ...

ZYCS – Can you decode this well-known saying: V CCVCCC VC CVCV CVCVC CVCV

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCXT – Can you find a word starting with BR that with the addition of the letter E ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOAQ – Can you find the hidden country in the following paragraph: Once upon a time in ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKGF – 10 100 1000 10000 Which number comes after 10000?

ZLFH – Again my BrainBashers thesaurus has let me down again. This time I was after ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAZA – What number comes next in this sequence: 16 21 26 26 12 5 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVUB – Can you find a word that begins with the letter R and with the addition of the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUQW – I have a jar of sweets. 114 red 35 blue 67 green and 9 yellow. What chance do I ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLTE – My 6 7 3 is a tear to a newspaper. My 5 4 1 is damper than moist. My 1 7 6 4 ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFND – What are the next three characters in this sequence: 2 1 F 1 1 F 0 1 F 9 F ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZAI – Astrology begins with the letter A biology with B. Can you find an 'ology' that ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLOP – Where on Earth do the winds always blow from the South?

ZZTV – Which three US states have been merged together: C O N E A L H I W J I F E R S ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGNA – Can you find the hidden country in the following sentence: I really fear lions ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMFO – What four-letter word can be placed between the two following words to make two ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIEI – What number comes next in this sequence: 302 202 102 002 991 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRYO – In my money box I found 36.80 made up of equal numbers of quarters dimes and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUKE – What number comes next in the sequence: 11 13 17 31 37 71 73 79 97 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPOF – How much soil is there in a circular hole 2 metres deep and 1 metre across?

ZWGZ – What is the smallest integer which when multiplied by 7 gives a number ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQPS – Can you find a word that begins with the letter I and by the addition of the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZHW – What number comes next in the sequence: 1 2 3 5 9 12 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOYC – Can you decode the following well known saying? Each encoded letter represents ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJOU – Can you find a word that means perimeter and by adding a letter A another word ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNPR – What comes next in this sequence: fish archer scorpion bull maiden ?

ZXNL – Can you find the hidden country in the following paragraph: At school most of ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIWQ – How many words can you find that contain two consecutive U's?

ZGXI – Here is a well-known proverb with the consonants removed. What is the proverb? ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEHF – Which is heaviest a pound of feathers a pound of wood a pound of steel

ZAHU – Can you find three consecutive prime numbers that equal 409457 when multiplied ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZJY – Here is a well known proverb with the consonants removed. What is the proverb.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZMQ – Using a 3 gallon container and a 7 gallon container (along with a water source ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWFN – What number comes next in this sequence: 7 8 5 5 3 4 4 ?

ZEPY – Are there more millimetres in a mile or sixteenths of an inch in 2 kilometres?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZPIR – Which is longer 250 centimetres or 8 feet?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJGL – What well known saying is expressed here: Refrain from enumerating your owned ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIPL – Eddie The Elephant can eat 110 bananas in 10 minutes and Hugo The Hippo can eat ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDKN – Which are there more of square feet in half a square mile or cubic yards in a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNSI – What is the simplest way of making this equation correct? 81 + 18 = 66

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNZU – Which four states of the United States of America have been mixed together ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTQM – How many times can you take 7 away from 49?

ZNZY – Cabbage is to sprouts as carrot is to: pea cucumber potato tomato artichoke ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKKY – Hot is to freeze as ? is to melt?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZMWQ – What letter comes next in this sequence: M A M J J ?

ZBWI – Are there more centimetres in a mile or miles travelled by light in a second?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIHG – A Proof That 2 = 1. Let A = B: A = B multiply by A on both sides: A x A = A x B ...

ZOPI – What kind of room has no windows or doors?

ZVMO – Can you place a different 3-letter word into each of the brackets to create two ...

ZTOK – Strong is to weak as hot is to ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIPM – At a picnic recently I noticed that James liked chocolate but didn't like ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYWH – Starting with COLD change one letter at a time until you have the word WARM.

ZDLG – Horses is to equine as cattle is to bovine as sheep is to ovine as deer is to ?.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEUN – Are there more loaves in a dozen baker's dozen or points in the highest snooker ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNAY – What is it that goes up and goes down but does not move?

ZJTN – A farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field. How ...

ZWBX – What can go up a chimney down but can't go down a chimney up?

ZLFX – What letter comes next in this sequence: A O E A O T F ?

ZVHB – Find an word which is singular add an 's' and it becomes plural and add another ...

ZENA – What is the smallest integer which when multiplied by 3 gives a number ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWZQ – What letter is missing from this sequence: A B G D E ? E

ZOJK – Water is to ice as steam is to ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHGX – What is the 10th prime number? 2 3 5 7

ZDOV – My shirt has 5 buttons my cardigan has 2 buttons and my suit jacket has no ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBWT – Sam takes 20 days to build a wall. Taylor and Kelly both take 10 days to build ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCXA – What is the smallest integer which when multiplied by 6 gives a number ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGSO – Which four-letter word can be placed between the two following words to make ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIBW – Someone purchases 1 for 38p 23 for 76p and 102 for 1.14. What are they buying?

ZZYM – Iron is to shirt as steam roller is to ?.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZYO – Can you find the hidden country in the following sentence: During the recent ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZETS – What is the 1000th prime number? 2 3 5 7

ZWKD – What letter comes next in this sequence: J F M A M J J ?

ZCTI – If York is 9 miles away London is 14 miles and Manchester is 23 miles away. How ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZAPP – What letter comes next in this sequence: B r a i n B ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFJD – What is the test to see if a number is divisible by nine?

ZNZE – Kevin is 5 years old James is also 5 and Rebecca is 7. How old is Jacqueline?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCHT – What number comes next in this sequence: 1 2 6 24 120 ?

ZELV – What number comes next in this sequence: 1 4 11 20 31 44 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVQR – What number comes next in this sequence: 1 3 6 11 18 ?

ZPWG – What number comes next in this sequence: 1 4 1 5 9 2 ?

ZCKQ – You can replace the dots with the same four-letter word and create two new ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZATA – Which letters come next in this sequence: NE US RN ER RS ?

ZPPV – What number comes next in this sequence: 1 8 9 64 25 216 49 ?

ZUCY – What number comes next in this sequence: 3 24 102 312 777 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNDM – What are the next two numbers in this sequence: 202 122 232 425 262 728 ? ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOSU – What number comes next in this sequence: 15 20 20 6 6 19 19 5 14 ?

ZHSX – What number comes next in this sequence: 1 2 2 4 8 11 33 37 148 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVKU – Can you find three words which contain two consecutive i's.

ZJJD – What animal comes next in this sequence: dog rooster monkey sheep horse snake ?

ZOYR – What number comes next in this sequence: 1 4 8 13 21 30 36 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNLY – What letter comes next in this sequence: Z X C V B N ?

ZKIY – What number comes next in this sequence: 1 3 5 7 11 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCVD – What letter comes next in this sequence: A E H L O S ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZYWV – At the toy factory 2 toy makers can make 6 boxes of toys in 3 hours. By this ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXRQ – What is the next number in this sequence: 100 365 24 60 ?

ZHXO – What is the next number in this sequence: 1 2 4 14 21 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLAV – What is the next number in this sequence: 2 5 8 11 ?

ZDRD – What is the next number in this sequence: 0 0 1 2 2 4 3 6 4 8 5 ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHOH – Using a tap a container of 9 litres and a container of 4 litres can you measure ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXYE – How far can a horse run into a forest?

ZTTM – Two explorers went wandering one day one mile south then one mile east then one ...

ZLVW – What is the next number in this sequence: 1 2 3 4 ?

ZZKJ – What is the next letter in this sequence: Q E T U ?

ZGDX – What is the missing number in this sequence: 4 9 28 125 ? 5047 40328

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKIV – What has four legs and only one foot?

ZYZT – If it took Alex Billie and Charlie exactly 60 minutes to dig a hole how long ...

ZDHD – Can you find the hidden country in the following paragraph: As managers we deny ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJWM – What word is the same backwards and upside down?

ZNJX – Which word in the English language is most often pronounced incorrectly?

ZTKF – What number comes next in this sequence: 2 5 9 19 37 ?

ZQNS – Which letter comes next in this sequence: Y P I D ?

ZTYP – What is the smallest integer which when multiplied by 7 gives a number ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZZMN – Which is the odd one out: curtain door veil shutter screen

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLFP – What is missing in this sequence: 8 10 14 18 ? 34 50 66

ZMWM – Can you replace both sets of dashes with the same common 3-letter word to make ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVGH – What is the next letter in this sequence: E H L O S ?

ZFUI – What are the next two letters in this sequence: O T T F F S S E ? ?

ZKSL – How can you throw a ball such that it comes back? No bounces are involved!

ZZWA – In which sport do winners move backwards and losers move forwards?

ZAMH – Can you find three consecutive odd numbers that total 1287 when multiplied ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJQX – If I can boil 2 eggs in 10 minutes. How long will it take me to boil 5 eggs?

ZJXZ – You can imagine an arrow in flight toward a target. For the arrow to reach the ...

ZNPA – Consider an arrow in flight towards a target. At any given moment of time a ...

ZKUM – This statement is false.

ZDFQ – Focus on this conundrum do it quickly or do it slowly. What is so wrong with ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZDIM – The following sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.

ZLHJ – What well known saying is this: lla ta devol evah ot reven naht tsol dna devol ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCMX – Are there more 2's or 8's in the numbers from 1 to 50000?

ZXUV – Complete these three letter words the first letters form a word reading down ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZRLO – These words have had their vowels removed can you replace them to find some ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEVJ – Can you find the hidden country in the following sentence: Alex's aches and ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEMQ – My local shop wanted to create a sign that said PUZZLES and they had the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNID – Traffic was bad going to work this morning. I only managed to average 30 mph.

ZDFT – What number is one half of one third of one quarter of 360?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQZH – Can you unscramble the following anagrams to find ten well known seasonal ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHHP – The following are the first letters of the first few lines of popular Christmas ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFDG – Below is a map of the BrainBashers detention facility. There are 9 guards A-I ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZANK – Starting with any C using the move of a chess knight can you find the letters ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZJVX – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a binary code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZQJZ – Alex Bret Chris Derek Eddie Fred Greg Harold and John are nine students who ...

Puzzle Copyright © Chris Joh

ZFAU – I travelled from London to Glasgow last week at 60 miles per hour I had filled ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVFV – Can you find the hidden nine-letter word in this grid? Starting with any letter ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTIY – During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention a Morse code contest took ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKRG – Santa always leaves plans for his elves to determine the order in which the ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZCQY – Santa is getting ready sorting presents filling sacks and working out his route ...

Puzzle Copyright © Rodins Ltd

ZYJF – What animal comes next in this sequence: gorilla hedgehog camel mouse fox bear ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZUDW – Below are seven clues to seven words. When arranged in the correct order each ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZHWF – Which month comes next in this sequence: July June March May ?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZOIC – Exactly how many minutes is it before eight o'clock if 40 minutes ago it was ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZEXD – A parent recently arranged a children's party and had 187 sweets to give out ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZBSB – Which is larger? 3 raised to the 5th power 5 raised to the third power

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZVTU – Three people check into a hotel. They pay 30 to the manager and go to their ...

ZVQF – How many animals can you find in this rather curious poem: A person so simple ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZXAN – Below you will find 15 well-known five-letter words with only their endings ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZGIX – Can you find every occurrence of the word SEPTEMBER that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZFEF – Can you find every occurrence of the word NOVEMBER that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZSGL – Can you find every occurrence of the word OCTOBER that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZWXS – Can you find every occurrence of the word MAY that appears in this grid ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZIAO – From 6523 grows a plant. I 689 I 689 I 689 it's no joke. 751 rhymes with you.

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZTCM – Recently Kevin had a party and because it was his birthday he wanted a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZLHO – At a recent visit to the reptile house at the local animal sanctuary I counted ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZKNW – Yesterday I was asked to buy some stamps. In the land of BrainBashers stamps ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

ZNQY – My BrainBashers electronic world atlas has developed another fault I did a ...

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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