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Daily Slants 

Can you replace all of the crosses with a slanted line? The clues tell you how many slanted lines point towards that clue, and loops are not allowed.

All Puzzles

Today's Puzzles

 4 x  4 Easy
 6 x  4 Easy
 7 x  5 Easy
 8 x  6 Medium
10 x  8 Medium
12 x 10 Medium
15 x 12 Medium
17 x 15 Weekly Special

Note: take a look at the information about the difficulty levels.

All daily items change at midnight GMT – set your local time zone.

Objective / Rules 

Read the help / walkthrough page on Slants puzzles for the rules, a more detailed explanation, and a walkthrough.

Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode setting.