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Daily Nonogrids 

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Today's Nonogrids Puzzles 

 5 x  5 Easy
10 x 10 Easy
15 x 15 Medium
20 x 20 Hard
25 x 25 Hard
30 x 30 Weekly Special

Note: take a look at the information about the difficulty levels.

All daily items change at midnight GMT – set your local time zone.


Objective / Rules
Find all of the blocks.
The sets of clues are the lengths of the runs, in order, of the blocks in that row or column.

Read the help / walkthrough page on Nonogrids puzzles for a more detailed explanation and a walkthrough.

Note: only when supported by your computer / device / browser / etc.
Left-click = Blank >> Block >> X >> Blank.
Right-click = Blank >> X >> Block >> Blank.
You can also click and drag.

If you click 'check' the system will check for incorrect squares. If 'show mistakes when checking' is ticked / checked their borders will be marked in red.

This puzzle has exactly one correct answer, which can be found using logic and deduction alone, and no guesses are required. If you think that you have found another answer, then please check the rules carefully for a reason the other answer isn't allowed.

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