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Today's Network Puzzles
Note: take a look at the information about the difficulty levels.
All daily items change at midnight GMT – set your local time zone.
Objective / Rules
Unscramble and complete the network.
The completed puzzle forms a single network of computers without any loops.
Every computer is connected to every other computer, and every square is used in the network.
Read the help / walkthrough page on Network puzzles for a more detailed explanation and a walkthrough.
No Wrap vs Wrap
No Wrap – the network does not wrap around the edges, and does not go past the border.
Wrap – the network might wrap around the edges (i.e. right to left, bottom to top, etc), and these puzzles are harder.
Note: only when supported by your computer / device / browser / etc.
Left-click = rotate counter-clockwise.
Right-click = rotate clockwise.
Space or a = lock the square the cursor is over (very useful if you're sure a square is correct).
Lock squares with click = clicking locks squares instead of Space.
If you click 'check' the system will check the current state of the network. However, the system will only check squares that are locked. If 'show mistakes when checking' is ticked / checked they will be marked in red.
This puzzle has exactly one correct answer, which can be found using logic and deduction alone, and no guesses are required. If you think that you have found another answer, then please check the rules carefully for a reason the other answer isn't allowed.
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