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Daily Maze Of Rooms 

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Random: Easy  Medium  Hard  



Oct 03 - 6 × 6
Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Today's Puzzles 

3 x 3 Easy
4 x 4 Easy
5 x 5 Medium
6 x 6 Hard
7 x 7 Weekly Special

Note: take a look at the information about the difficulty levels.

All daily items change at midnight GMT – set your local time zone.


Objective / Rules
Keep clicking a mouse until you find the cheese in the final room.

Simply keep clicking a mouse, until you find the cheese. Or until you find the surprise! The maze remains the same for each puzzle, so try to remember where you clicked last time! If you get stuck in a loop you will have to restart.

8 × 8 Special
I have also created a single 8 × 8 puzzle that might take more than 1 attempt!

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