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Be My Valentine - Logic Puzzles

Freddie was in love with three girls from his school! He couldn't decide which one he wanted to give his heart to so he sent all three a Valentine's card. But poor Freddie was out of luck as each girl thought the card came from someone else and Freddie was left on the sideline.

From the clues below, can you work out the name of each potential sweetheart, the colour of each card Freddie sent and the name of the boy each girl believed the card was sent by?

Unluckily for Freddie, when Miss Jetson received her card, she thought it was from Adam.
When Molly received her blue coloured card, she told Miss Hanson and together they worked out who the card was from. It didn't occur to either of them that it was from Freddie!
The girl who received the red card was convinced it came from Ethan.
Neither Millie nor Miss Motson received a pink card. First Names: Lily, Millie, Molly
Surnames   : Hanson, Jetson, Motson
Colours    : Blue, pink, red
Boys       : Adam, Dylan, Ethan

Puzzle Copyright © Rodins Ltd

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Lily   Jetson  Pink  Adam
Millie Hanson  Red   Ethan
Molly  Motson  Blue  Dylan

By (2), Molly received the Blue card:
   Molly          Blue

We now know that Molly didn't receive the Pink card, and by (4), neither did Millie, which means that Lily received the Pink card (and Millie received the Red):
   Lily           Pink
   Millie         Red
   Molly          Blue

By (4), the two girls who didn't receive the Pink card are Millie and Miss Motson, and we already know that Millie and Molly didn't receive the Pink Card, which means that Molly is Miss Motson.
   Lily           Pink
   Millie         Red
   Molly  Motson  Blue

By (3), the Red card was thought to have come from Ethan:
   Lily           Pink
   Millie         Red   Ethan
   Molly  Motson  Blue

By (1), Miss Jetson's card was thought to have come from Adam, this can't be Molly (Motson), nor Millie (Ethan). So it must be Lily Jetson:
   Lily   Jetson  Pink  Adam
   Millie         Red   Ethan
   Molly  Motson  Blue

The puzzle can now be completed:
   Lily   Jetson  Pink  Adam
   Millie Hanson  Red   Ethan
   Molly  Motson  Blue  Dylan


Note: BrainBashers has a Dark Mode setting.