At a recent motorsport gathering, four proud owners were gathered around the silver sports car, each discussing their pride and joy.
Alex was overheard bragging about his brand new Stellar.
The person whose surname was Smith went to great lengths to explain to Billie the virtues of his blue Lunar.
The person whose surname was Wilshaw, and Dale, were already good friends.
The person whose surname was Richards showed everyone a recent photo of his red Orbital.
The person whose surname was Stone listened intently while Charlie kept talking about his green Galactic.
Who owns which car?
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Dale Smith owned the blue Lunar.
Billie Richards owned the red Orbital.
Charlie Wilshaw owned the green Galactic.
Alex Stone owned the silver Stellar.
By (2) the Lunar was Blue, and was owned by Mr Smith.
By (4) the Orbital was Red, and was owned by Mr Richards.
By (5) the Galactic was Green, and was owned by Charlie.
Therefore the Stellar was silver, and by (1) was owned by Alex.
Smith Blue Lunar
Richards Red Orbital
Charlie Green Galactic
Alex Silver Stellar
By (2), Mr Smith wasn't called Billie, so it must have been Billie Richards, and Dale Smith.
By (5) Mr Stone wasn't called Charlie, so it must have been Charlie Wilshaw, and Alex Stone.
Dale Smith Blue Lunar
Billie Richards Red Orbital
Charlie Wilshaw Green Galactic
Alex Stone Silver Stellar
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