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Puzzle ZEHJ 


Using all of the letters A to Z, each once only, complete these common words:
-ai-e s-ua- -e-el -o-ed -na-e fog-- c--mp b--jo -r-it -re-t -av-n mu--c mou--

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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-ai-e = maize (MZ) s-ua- = squad (QD) -e-el = jewel (JW) -o-ed = foxed (FX) -na-e = knave (KV) fog-- = foggy (GY) c--mp = clump (LU) b--jo = banjo (AN) -r-it = orbit (OB) -re-t = crept (CP) -av-n = raven (RE) mu--c = music (SI) mou-- = mouth (TH) The solution above uses common words, the solution below uses the less common word CLOMP.
-ai-e = maize (MZ) s-ua- = squad (QD) -e-el = jewel (JW) -o-ed = boxed (BX) -na-e = knave (KV) fog-- = foggy (GY) c--mp = clomp (LO) b--jo = banjo (AN) -r-it = fruit (FU) -re-t = crept (CP) -av-n = raven (RE) mu--c = music (SI) mou-- = mouth (TH)


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