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Summer Paintings - Logic Puzzles

At a recent painting competition, the results were mislaid. Luckily, I remembered the following:

Emery's rendition of the Constable painting was not in last place.
The person who painted the Monet was very successful and took first place.
Glen only just managed to avoid last place and came third.
Alex beat the person who painted the Taylor, and the person who painted the Van Gogh beat Drew.
Can you determine who painted what, and who won?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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#  Name     Artist
1  Alex     Monet
2  Emery    Constable
3  Glen     Van Gogh
4  Drew     Taylor

The four entrants were: Alex, Drew, Emery, Glen.
The four artists were: Constable, Monet, Taylor, Van Gogh.

By (2), the Monet came first.
   1           Monet

By (3), Glen came third.
   1           Monet
   3  Glen

By (1), the Constable can't have been last, so must have been second (as Emery painted it, and not Glen).
   1           Monet
   2           Constable
   3  Glen

The Taylor was either third or fourth, either way, by (4) Alex must have won.
   1  Alex     Monet
   2           Constable
   3  Glen

By (4), the Van Gogh came third, leaving Drew in last place.
   1  Alex     Monet
   2           Constable
   3  Glen     Van Gogh
   4  Drew

Leaving Emery in second place, and the Taylor in last place.
   1  Alex     Monet
   2  Emery    Constable
   3  Glen     Van Gogh
   4  Drew     Taylor


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