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Brain Teasers and Puzzles 


Puzzle 613 

What is the only number not found in the Roman numerals system?

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Puzzle 614 

Many years ago, a cruise liner sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The castaways luckily landed on a remote desert island.

There was enough food for the 135 people to last four weeks.

Nine days later a rescue ship appeared, unluckily this ship also sank, leaving an additional 36 people stranded on the island to now share the original rationed food.

The food obviously had to be re-rationed, everyone was now on three-quarters of the original ration, so how many days in total would the food last, from the day of the original sinking?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 615 

During a recent BrainBashers race meeting, the fastest driver managed to complete a lap with an average speed of 150 mph.

They managed to complete the first two fifths of the lap at a speed of 123 mph and the second two fifths of the lap at a speed of 164 mph.

At what speed was the final one fifth of the lap length covered?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 616 

If I was in Florida and dropped a heavy ball into a bucket of water which was at a temperature of 45 °F and dropped another identical ball into an identical bucket of water at a temperature of 25 °F...

...which ball would hit the bottom of the bucket first?

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