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Brain Teasers and Puzzles 


Puzzle 361 

A woman had three old coins – a silver dollar, a quarter, and a dime. Each coin was a little battered and had a piece missing. She found that exactly the same fraction had broken away from each coin.

What fraction of each was missing if the value of the remaining bits of coins was now exactly one dollar in total?

For this puzzle it can be assumed that ½ of a coin is worth ½ of its value.

Based on a puzzle by Henry Ernest Dudeney.

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Puzzle 362 

Below, 10 nine-letter words have been broken into chunks of three letters.

These chunks have been mixed up, no chunk is used twice and all chunks are used.

Can you determine what the 10 words are?
som one dbr pen rtm ber
nes ent ive eph eti ens
mes off eak eid sep win
erd tel day ter wed tem
aft apa own car ern oon

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 363 

Using all of the letters A to Z, each once only, complete these words:
-e-el b-d s-i-l swa-- fo- -er-y a-ur- -u-dy -uo-e -e-a-e ed-- sc-r-y l-p --lls

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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Puzzle 364 

During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention, a Morse code contest took place.

The contest consisted of a Morse code transmission where the spaces between the letters and words were missing.

Can you decipher the sequence and find the well known proverb?


Luckily, BrainBashers has provided you with a listing of the Morse code characters:

Morse Code Chart

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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