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Daily Puzzle – Apr 25 

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This year, Farmer Stone's harvest of apples was quite significant.

He decided to donate some of the apples to the local community, 1,672 people in all.

Every person aged 50 or more received 16 apples, and every person under 50 received 96 apples.

Only 3/4 of the over 50s collected their apples, and only 1/8 of the under 50s collected theirs.

How many apples did the farmer give away?

Puzzle Copyright © Kevin Stone

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20,064 apples.

As only 3/4 of the over 50s claimed 16 apples, this averages out to 12 apples each.

Similarly, only 1/8 of the under 50s claimed 96 apples, this again averages out to be 12 apples each.

Therefore, the total number of apples was 1,672 x 12 = 20,064.

It doesn't matter how many over / under 50s there are.

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